Restore Raleigh Zoning


Raleigh Municipal Election, November 8, 2022
early voting starts October 20, 2022

You have 4 votes: 1 for Mayor, 1 for your District, 2 At-large


  • Terrance Ruth, Mayor
  • Anne Franklin, At-large (you may vote for 2)
  • John Odom, At-large (you may vote for 2)
  • Mary Black, District A
  • Megan Patton, District B
  • Wanda Hunter, District C
  • Jane Harrison, District D
  • Christina Jones, District E


Our endorsement rationale:

The above slate of candidates includes a good mix of council experience and fresh ideas for how to reclaim citizen engagement through Citizen Advisory Councils and once again have transparent government. We may not agree with every aspect of their candidacy or stance on issues, but they are sensible people with good judgement who are not controlled by development interests. We believe we can work with them to REPEAL the Missing Middle, and RESTORE RALEIGH ZONING.

Foremost: The Mayor and all incumbents running for re-election do not deserve to be elected and should forfeit their city council seats. They have betrayed Raleigh by shutting down citizen input. They have promoted runaway growth by handing unfettered power to developers. They have taken away our property rights to public notice, public hearings, and appeals on zoning matters. And they have arrogantly maintained they and their experts know best. The only way to change these zoning rules is to replace Mayor Baldwin and her council followers.

Please VOTE for the Mayor, 2 At-Large and Candidate in your District. Every district ballot is different so take this list with you and look for their names on the back of the ballot.

MAYOR:  Terrance Ruth

AT LARGE: Vote for 2:

Anne Franklin

John Odom

DISTRICT A: Mary Black

DISTRICT B: Megan Patton

DISTRICT C: Wanda Hunter

DISTRICT D: Jane Harrison

DISTRICT E: Christina Jones

Save Our Neighborhoods/Restore Raleigh Zoning Steering Committee

Frank Gordon, 802 Williamson Drive, [email protected]

Margie Case, 1540 Carr Street, [email protected]

Frank Hielema, 926 Williamson Drive, [email protected]

Terry A. Henderson 1001 Vance Street, [email protected]


Consider contributing money now to their campaigns, as we have. They need funds to counteract the power of name recognition of the incumbents who extended their own terms, gave themselves a pay raise, and changed the election rules so that they favor their re-election (they no longer require a majority to win).